Friday, April 4, 2008

Argument Topic

My topic for the essay four will be about 24 hour visitation in the women's dorms at TCU. This debate from what I have observed has gotten very heated in the past couple of months and it is issue that really needs to be solved. When I write my essay, I will argue why it is good to have 24 hour visitation in the women's dorms and why it is not because frankly both sides give a compelling story. I plan getting my information for my essay through meetings held, surveys, RA's, students and Hall directors here at TCU and also give background information about the whole situation. I hope that you will enjoy my essaytopic because I believe that this a good argument to write about to see why students at TCU are on different sides and finally get the chance to back up what they believe in.

1 comment:

April Patrick said...

This sounds like a really interesting topic and one that's quite relevant at TCU. For some additional thoughts on it, you may look at the residential websites from other private colleges in Texas to see if TCU's policy is in line with those that might be more conservative or liberal.